Cynthias 100 beste Rezepte – für ihre Fans und alle, die American Baking neu entdecken wollen!
HAPPY BAKING! Was alle besonders an Cynthia Barcomis Rezepten lieben: Sie gelingen immer und schmecken jeden Tag, nicht nur sonntags oder zum Geburtstag. Muffins fürs Frühstück oder für zwischendurch, schnelle Cookies und Pies, leckere Bagels, verführerische Torten ...
Die gebürtige Amerikanerin verbindet in ihren Cafés in Berlin die Leidenschaft für erlesenen Kaffee mit der Lust an selbst gemachtem Gebäck. Hier finden sich die 100 besten und beliebtesten Leckereien aus ihren Büchern. Von den klassischen Chocolate Chip Cookies bis zum legendären New York Cheesecake – diese Köstlichkeiten kann jeder selber backen, und sie werden garantiert gelingen!

Bake something quickly with baking queen Cynthia Barcomi!
Cynthia Barcomi is revolutionizing the way we bake: With the principle of prep baking, you can prepare dough and glazes in advance, store them in the fridge or in the freezer so that you can bake what you want, when you want it. With more than 70 tried and tested recipes, biscuits, cakes, breads, tarts and even sourdough succeed in no time at all and you can effortlessly spoil spontaneous guests and your own palate.
Fancy a baking quickie? Homemade delicacies whenever you want
Who does not know that? Good friends drop by spontaneously or you suddenly get cravings for cookies. Cynthia Barcomi has developed the right baking method for just such cases: with fresh dough recipes that can be easily stored or frozen and quick recipes, delicious pastries can be conjured up in no time at all.

Batch bake without having to start from scratch each time you want home-baked goods.
Berlin Baking Queen Cynthia Barcomi revolutionizes the way we bake. Simply make a dough, bake now or keep for later. Stock self-made doughs, batters and frostings in the fridge or freezer so you're ready to bake what you want when you want! Enjoy pancakes every morning for a week without starting from scratch each time. Get ahead with over 70 tried-and-tested recipes for cookies, cakes, breads, pies, tarts and even sourdough! Satisfy spontaneous cravings and unexpected guests with homemade convenience at your fingertips.
According to a recent study, half of Brits say they have baked at home at least once a week since the first national lockdown hit last March, and a total of 27% are baking more than once a week! Why not beat the baking odds and hone in on your meal-prep practice with this ultimate guide to batch-baking? Proving the only book on the market to consider batch-making for baking, this is a must-have volume for enthusiastic home bakers who find themselves pressed for time or only want to bake a small amount - just enough to satisfy a craving. Keeping doughs, batters and buttercreams fresh is easy!

Healthy Baking Recipes by Cynthia Barcomi
The Queen of Baking is back! Cynthia Barcomi surprises you in this baking book with modern recipes that are sometimes vegan, sometimes gluten-free, sometimes classic - and above all always delicious! As usual, she presents the best of the American bakery, but shows which healthy ingredients you can use to prepare them: Because cheesecakes, donuts, cookies & Co. also provide fantastic taste with almond flour or linseed.
Bake in a new way with Cynthia Barcomi:
- Modern baking recipes: From cheesecakes to pies and tarts to hin to cookies and donuts - Barcomi presents their favorite recipes in a modern way. That means using natural ingredients, sometimes gluten- and lactose-free, sometimes with vegan alternatives. This is how real baked delicacies succeed in everyday life
- Modern baking: Refined sugar and white flour are no longer a must in the bakery - Barcomi provides the proof. She has tested alternative ingredients for traditional American pastries like donuts and cupcakes, creating not only healthier recipes but also special flavor kicks.
- Product information: Whether almond flour instead of wheat flour, nut drink instead of cow's milk, linseed instead of eggs or raw cane sugar instead of refined white sugar - in addition to a detailed presentation of the contemporary ingredients, Cynthia Barcomi gives you concrete replacement tips in some recipes. You can conjure up vegan alternatives in no time at all.
American, modern baking lust on a new, innovative level - expand your horizons for the modern world of baking with Cynthia Barcomi!

9 basic doughs and Barcomi's concentrated baking know-how - that's all you need to create fantastic cakes, muffins or bread that nobody can resist. Let around 80 sweet and savory recipes take you to the crème de la crème of the creative bakery!
From chocolate zucchini cake to honey and orange Bundt cake to almond butter muffins –
after an introduction to ingredients, baking accessories and kitchen equipment, the various doughs are first discussed in basic recipes, then in creative versions. Finally, the last chapter shows building blocks with which you can get creative yourself in order to create your own masterpiece.

Here I take you on a journey through New York. Let yourself be seduced by the cake allstars from the USA!
Creamy cheesecakes, flaky pies, tender tarts - there are also gluten-free recipes.
my biggest secret
My best cheesecakes
Quick and easy: cheesecake slices
Cheesecake without gluten, a revelation
My favorite pie recipes
Tarts from Europe
Gluten free tarts
Pies & Tartes - newly combined and without a baking pan
Hearty and sophisticated cheesecakes, pies and tarts

COOKIES | German
70 biscuit recipes of all shapes and flavors: cookies, crackers, shortbread, brownies, meringues, biscotti, pig's ears, cat's tongue, American, macaroons and more.
Whether for coffee or tea, as a beautifully wrapped gift, for guests, rainy afternoons or cravings, as a bedtime treat, energy boost or just in between - everyone will find their new favorite recipe here.
It all started with a cookie
Fast cookies
Cookies for coffee
Fridge Cookies
Gluten Free Cookies
Cookie Schnittchen
Christmas cookies
Savory Cookies
Cookies from all over the world

LET'S BAKE | German
Over 70 brand new recipes - all very easy to bake and simply irresistible. With lots of extra tips to make it a guaranteed success!
Chocolate Orange Muffins, Goat Cheese Muffins, Perfect Buns, Blueberry Pancakes, Buttermilk Nut Waffles, Cinnamon Raisin Bagels, Raspberry Cheesecake Brownies, Apple Pie Variations, White Chocolate Cake, Marzipan Cheesecake, Mocha Cupcakes, Lemon Whoopie Pies , and many more.
All About Baking
Scones & Biscuits
Waffles & Pancakes
Coffee Cakes
Bread & Bagels
Cookies & Brownies
Pies & Variations
Cakes & Cheesecakes
Cupcakes & Whoopie Pies

70 biscuit recipes of all shapes and flavors: cookies, crackers, shortbread, brownies, meringues, biscotti, pig's ears, cat's tongue, American, macaroons and more.
Whether for coffee or tea, as a beautifully wrapped gift, for guests, rainy afternoons or cravings, as a bedtime treat, energy boost or just in between - everyone will find their new favorite recipe here.
It all started with a cookie
Fast cookies
Cookies for coffee
Fridge Cookies
Gluten Free Cookies
Cookie Schnittchen
Christmas cookies
Savory Cookies
Cookies from all over the world

Festively set tables, elegant buffets, clinking glasses, cheerfully excited atmosphere - guests are coming!
With my cookbook I provide you with perfect menu suggestions and great individual recipes for a wide variety of occasions: from very special occasions such as the dreaded first visit from your mother-in-law or a romantic breakfast afterwards to anniversaries, birthdays and holidays such as Easter, Thanksgiving or Christmas.
Invitation to party
What you need in the kitchen
Buffet – brunch, birthday, New Year's Eve
For 2 – Seduction, Sunday breakfast for two, wedding day
For 4 - mother-in-law visit, two times two
For 6 and more
Celebrate with children - Mother's Day, Father's Day
Celebrate outside - barbecue, picnic
Thanksgiving & Christmas

This is my first book, which I published a few years ago - and I still love all the recipes hidden in it!
It is a classic and offers a wide variety of recipes. 80 recipes inspire you to bake at home. From classics like pancakes, blueberry muffins and carrot cake to unusual creations like zucchini and walnut bread.
With over 100 fantastic photographs that literally seem to smell.
Everything about baking, dough and ingredients
What you need in the kitchen
Good Morning – unusual for breakfast
Bread & Pizza
Quick & Tea Breads
Cakes & cupcakes